Orazio Bobbi – painting

During the ’50s and ’60s, the artist made some oil paintings on wooden boards, like the portrait of his son Claudio and some others, but the traces of them have been lost over the years.

It is in the ’70s that Orazio Bobbi embraces the expressive form of oil painting on canvas giving life to a representative number of works.

This gallery of paintings presents only in a partial way the artistic production, it is limited to 13 works that could be found, made during the first half of the ’70s.

This gallery of paintings presents only in a partial way the artistic production, it is limited to 13 works that could be found, made during the first half of the ’70s.

From these works emerge some distinctive features of the artist’s painting:

– an essential feature of the figures, almost geometric, that can evoke other artists of the ‘900,

– a symbolic vocation that leaves the visitor the task of linking objects and people together to explain the artist’s thought,

– the formation of the scenario within which the artist’s thought is made explicit also by relating the subjects and the geometric and architectural elements that complete the scene.